Monday, June 8, 2009

YPCV - Making Changes

The Young Professionals of Central Virginia has not only made major internal changes in the last 8 months, but YPCV has also made a difference in the communities that it serves.

Since October of last year, YPCV has added 300 new members/attendees, begun hosting monthly GROW (personal development) and LIVE (community service) events, and has undergone a much-needed branding change. Our reputation prior to October was that of a party group that cared more about hooking up and getting drunk than about true business-savvy networking, education, and service. That's all changed. YPCV has reinvented its self, and that's no small feat. Thanks to outstanding participation from each attendee at our events, the commitment, dedication, and talent of our board of directors, and new and profitable alliances with local businesses, we're "Back in the high life again" (many of you are too young to get that rad 80's music reference).

By the time you have a chance to read this, we will have launched our new website. It's going to be chock full of resources and information for all YPs in the region. Do you need to know what restaurants are recommended by YPs? We've got a list. Do you want to know the best hikes in the area? We've got a list of those too. Would you like a place to ask questions of other YPs and get answers? Great! We have a Forum. We have an interactive guide to the community, articles on how to dress to impress, and links to the Careers pages of the largest local companies.

Visit us at